余豪,国家重点实验室讲师,迪肯大学助理研究员(2021-2022),迪肯大学博士(2021),武汉纺织大学硕士(2016)和学士(2013)。参与国家自然科学基金及校企联合科技项目3项。在TextileResearch Journal等期刊以第一作者发表SCI论文5篇,参与申请发明专利5项。
1. 先进纺纱技术
2. 纤维成型加工技术
3. 纤维柔软性能的先进表征技术
1.Yu H, Hurren C, Liu X, Wang X.* Objective comparison of the softness of Australian Soft Rolling Skin wool and ordinary Merino wool. Textile Research Journal. 2022;92(17-18):3060-3070.
2.Yu H, Hurren C, Liu X, Wang X. * Understanding the difference in softness of Australian Soft Rolling Skin wool and conventional Merino wool. Textile Research Journal. 2022;92(17-18):3130-3141.
3.Yu H, Hurren C, Liu X, Gordon S, Wang X. * A modified resistance to compression (RtC) test for evaluation of natural fiber softness. Textile Research Journal. 2022;92(11-12):1771-1781.
4.Hao Yu, Christopher Hurren, Xin Liu & Xungai Wang (2022) Tensile Properties of Australian Soft Rolling Skin Wool and Conventional Merino Wool, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2022.2068173
5.Yu H, Liu K, Jun C, Fu C, Xia Z, Xu W. Comparative study of ring yarn properties spun with static and rotary grooved contact surfaces. Textile Research Journal. 2018;88(16):1812-1823.
6.余豪,张建建,刘可帅,陈军,夏治刚.导纱钩运动引起的纺纱三角区变化对成纱性能的影响[J].纺织学报, 2016,37(10):19-25. EI.