蒋立泉,省部共建纺织新材料与先进加工技术国家重点实验室讲师,华中科技大学博士(2022)和硕士(2017),中国地质大学(武汉)学士(2014)。在IEEE TIE等期刊发表SCI论文10篇,并荣获2020年IEEE亚太年会最佳学生论文,授权发明专利20余项。
1. 机器人控制理论及应用
2. 协同规划与决策技术;
3. 智能制造;
1. 2019.11-2022.3,大载荷四轮全转向移动机器人研发及产业化,华中科技大学启航基金,7万元,主持
1)Jiang L, Wang S, Xie Y,Xie S, Zheng S, Meng J &Han D.Decoupled Fractional Super-Twisting Stabilization of Interconnected Mobile Robot Under Harsh Terrain Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(8): 8178-8189.
2)Jiang L, Wang S, Xie Y,Xie S, Zheng S &Meng J. Fractional Robust Finite Time Control of Four-wheel-steering Mobile Robots Subject to Serious Time-varying Perturbations. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022, 169: 104634.
3)Jiang L, Wang S, Xie Y,Meng J, Zheng S, Zhang X & Wu H. Anti-Disturbance Direct Yaw Moment Control of a Four-Wheeled Autonomous Mobile Robot. IEEE Access, 2020, 8, 174654-174666.
4)Wang S,Jiang L, Meng J, Xie Y & Han D. Training for Smart Manufacturing Using Mobile Robot-based Production Line. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2021 16(2), 249-270.