
时间:2024-07-10  信息来源:   作者:刘洋  点击率:


刘洋博士、副教授、硕士生导师,武汉纺织大学省部共建国家重点实验室徐卫林院士团队骨干成员,湖北省楚天青年人才。东华大学纺织材料与纺织品设计专业硕博连读(师从顾伯洪教授,2014-2020),美国特拉华大学机械系联合培养博士(师从Tsu-Wei Chou教授,2017-2019)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、主持航天攻关项目2、厅局级项目1以第一作者或通讯作者Composites Science and TechnologyComposites Part BChemical Engineering JournalAdvanced Materials TechnologiesMaterials Today AdvancesComposites Communications等杂志发表学术论文18,授权发明专利3项、实用新型专利2项,申请发明专利72023年第一届中国智能材料与结构系统大会(苏州)、SAMPE中国2023年国际学术会议(北京)等会议做口头报告多次。受聘国际先进材料与制造工程学会SAMPE-智能复合材料专业委员会-委员,兼任中文核心杂志《现代纺织技术》学术编辑。指导学生获得第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学科竞赛二等奖、第十四届湖北省“挑战杯”科技竞赛特等奖、第十三届中国高校纺织品设计大赛一等奖。

Email: liuyang2014_cool@163.com


1. 高性能纤维增强形状记忆复合材料热力学性能

2. 高性能陶瓷纤维复合材料的热力学性能

3. 高性能纤维增强树脂复合材料结构、成型与性能


[13] Haipeng Ren, Yiwei Ouyang, Shili Xiao, Weilin Xu, Yang Liu*. Shape memory property and mechanism of the knitting-fabric reinforced epoxy composites subjected to tensile loading. Composites Science and Technology. 2022; 230: 109764.

[12] Haipeng Ren, Ying Huang, Weilin Xu, Yang Liu*. Electro-activated shape memory behavior of a three-dimensional lightweight knitted tubular composite. Composites Communications. 2023; 38: 101517.

[11] Xingzu Zhao, Haipeng Ren, Wenqing Du, Dengpeng Song, Yiwei Ouyang, Weilin Xu, Yang Liu*. Accelerated ultraviolet aging behavior and numerical simulation of ramie/carbon fiber reinforced polyethylene terephthalate glycol hybrid composites. Industrial Crops and Products. 2023; 205: 117531.

[10] 黄丛,赵兴祖,张贺, 官思佳, 刘可帅, *. 缝合结构对氧化铝涂层织物接缝性能的影响[J]. 现代纺织技术,2023,31(4):148-154.

[9] 谢治云,李文斌,张贺,黄丛,官思佳,刘洋*.连续氧化铝纱线及其织物力学性能[J].现代纺织技术, 2022,30(06):88-94.

[8] Dengpeng Song, Beibei Jiang, Jiayan Zhou, Yiwei Ouyang, Yu Zhang, Chong Gao, Kunkun Zhu, Yang Liu*, Weilin Xu*. Soluble and colorless polyimide coated cotton fabric with attractive multifunction: Warmth retention, breathable, antifouling, UV and acid resistance. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023; 455: 140755.

[7] Xingzu Zhao, Wei Li, Yiwei Ouyang, Weilin Xu, Yang Liu*. Hygrothermal aging behavior and mechanical degradation of ramie/carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic polymer hybrid composites. Industrial Crops and Products. 2023; 193: 116212.

[6] Wei Li, Wenqing Du, Wenbin Li, Dongzhi Chen, Yang Liu*, Yiwei Ouyang*. Hygrothermal aging behavior and mechanical properties of modified ramie fiber reinforced polyethylene terephthalate glycol composites. Cellulose. 2023; 30: 3061–3072.

[5] Yang Liu, Tsu-Wei Chou*. Additive manufacturing of multidirectional preforms and composites: from three-dimensional to four-dimensional. Materials Today Advances. 2020 (5): 100045.

[4] Yang Liu, Baozhong Sun, Bohong Gu*. Low-velocity penetration damage of Kevlar woven fabrics impregnated with shear thickening fluid penetrated with different tups. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2020; 27(22):1900-1907.

[3] Yang Liu, Wei Zhang, Fenghua Zhang, Jinsong Leng, Shaopeng Pei, Liyun Wang, Xinqiao Jia, Chase Cotton, Baozhong Sun, Tsu-Wei Chou*. Microstructural design for enhanced shape memory behavior of 4D printed composites based on carbon nanotube/polylactic acid filament. Composites Science and Technology. 2019; 181: 107692.

[2] Yang Liu, Fenghua Zhang, Jinsong Leng, Liyun Wang, Chase Cotton, Baozhong Sun, Tsu-Wei Chou*. Synergistic effect enhanced shape recovery behavior of metal-4D printed shape memory polymer hybrid composites. Composites Part B. 2019; 179: 107536.

[1] Yang Liu, Fenghua Zhang, Jinsong Leng, Kun Fu, X. Lucas Lu, Liyun Wang, Chase Cotton, Baozhong Sun, Bohong Gu*, Tsu-Wei Chou*. Remotely and Sequentially Controlled Actuation of Electroactivated Carbon Nanotube/Shape Memory Polymer Composites. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2019;4(12):1900600.

武汉纺织大学纺织新材料与先进加工全国重点实验室版权所有 Copyright @ 2019 All Rights Reserved.

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