姜亚龙,博士,副教授,硕士生研究生导师。2020年于武汉理工大学获得博士学位,师从麦立强教授;2021年至2023年在武汉理工大学继续从事博士后研究工作,师从麦立强教授。近年来,主要从事电化学储能材料与器件研究,重点开展碱金属/多价钙离子电池纳米材料可控生长、性能调控、器件组装、原位表征等系统性的基础研究工作。在Advanced Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、ACS Nano、Chemical Engineering Journal、Small等期刊发表SCI收录论文30余篇,文章总引用1700余次,h-因子24,4篇论文被选为ESI高被引论文,授权发明专利5项。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后特别资助项目和中国博士后面上项目。
[1]. 国家自然科学基金(青年)(52102300):柔性钠离子电池用石墨烯负载钼氧化物纳米点可控制备及电化学性能研究,2022.01-2024.12年,负责人
[2]. 中国博士后科学基金(特别资助)(2021TQ0255):高性能室温Na-S电池用3D石墨烯凝胶负载氧化钼复合硫正极材料制备与电化学机理研究,2021.01-2022.12年,负责人
[3]. 中国博士后科学基金(面上资助)(2022M712480):柔性钠离子电容器用碳化钼纳米线负极材料制备与电化学性能研究,2022.01-2022.12年,负责人
[1]. C. Zuo, F. Chao, M. Li, Y. Dai, J. Wang, F. Xiong*, Y. Jiang*, Q. An*. Improving Ca-ion storage dynamic and stability by interlayer engineering and Mn-dissolution limitation based on robust MnO2@PANI hybrid cathode. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13 (30), 2301014.
[2]. F. Qiao, J. Wang, R. Yu, M. Huang, L. Zhang, W. Yang, H. Wang, J. Wu, L. Zhang, Y. Jiang*, Q. An*. Aromatic organic small-molecule material with (020) crystal plane activation for wide-temperature and 68000 cycle aqueous calcium-ion batteries, ACS Nano, 2023, 17 (22), 23046-23056.
[3]. Y. Jiang, Y. Shen, J. Dong, S. Tan, Q. Wei*, F. Xiong, Q. Li, X. Liao, Z. Liu, Q. An, L. Mai*. Surface pseudocapacitive mechanism of molybdenum phosphide for high-energy and high-power sodium-ion capacitors. Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 9 (27), 1900967.
[4]. Y. Jiang, R. Han, J. Dong*, R. Yu, S. Tan, F. Xiong, Q. Wei, J. Wang, L. Cui, H. Tian, Y. Yang*, Q. An*. Uncovering the origin of surface-redox pseudocapacitance of molybdenum phosphides enables high-performance flexible sodium-ion capacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 475, 145962.
[5]. J. Dong, Y. Jiang*, R. Wang, Q. Wei, Q. An*, X. Zhang*. Review and prospects on the low-voltage Na2Ti3O7 anode materials for sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2023, 88, 446-460.
[6]. Y. Jiang, H. Wang, J. Dong, Q. Zhang, S. Tan, F. Xiong, W. Yang, S. Zhu, Y. Shen, Q. Wei, Q. An*, L. Mai*. Mo2C nanoparticles embedded in carbon nanowires with surface pseudocapacitance enables high-energy and high-power sodium ion capacitors. Small, 2022, 18, 2200805.
[7]. Y. Jiang, J. Dong, S. Tan, Q. Wei*, F. Xiong, W. Yang, Y. Shen, Q. Zhang, Z. Liu, Q. An, L. Mai*. Surface pseudocapacitance of mesoporous Mo3N2 nanowire anode toward reversible high-rate sodium-ion storage. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 55, 295-303.
[8]. Y. Jiang, S. Tan, Q. Wei*, J. Dong, Q. Li, F. Xiong, J. Sheng, Q. An, L. Mai*. Pseudocapacitive layered birnessite sodium manganese dioxide for high-rate non-aqueous sodium ion capacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6 (26), 12259-12266.
[9]. S. Tan#, Y. Jiang#, Q. Wei*, Q. Huang, Y. Dai, F. Xiong, Q. Li, Q. An, X. Xu, Z. Zhu, X. Bai*, L. Mai*. Multidimensional synergistic nanoarchitecture exhibiting highly stable and ultrafast sodium-ion storage. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30 (18), 1707122.
[10]. Y. Shen#, Y. Jiang#, Z. Yang, J. Dong, W. Yang, Q. An*, L. Mai*. Electronic structure modulation in MoO2/MoP heterostructure to induce fast electronic/ionic diffusion kinetics for lithium storage. Advanced Science, 2022, 9, 2104504.
[11]. W. Wang#, Y. Jiang#, Y. Yang, F. Xiong, S. Zhu, J. Wang, L. Du, J. Chen, L. Cui, J. Xie*, Q. An*, L. Mai*. Basal planes unlocking and interlayer engineering endows proton doped-MoO2.8F0.2 with fast and stable magnesium storage. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(10), 17097.