Email address: liangjun_xia@wtu.edu.cn
长期从事纺织纤维材料色彩和功能化构建方面的研究,依托省部共建纺织新材料与先进加工技术国家重点实验室等国家级科研平台,将基础研究与国内知名纺织龙头企业进行产学研合作,主持和作为核心人员参与了国家和省部级重点项目5项。以第一作者和通讯作者在Chemical Engineering Journal, Green Chemistry, Journal of Cleaner Production, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Carbohydrate Polymers, Separation and Purification Technology, Industrial Crops and Products和Composites Communications等SCI期刊发表论文30余篇,并作为发明人和主要撰写人申请中国发明专利56项,其中授权40余项。获第二届湖北省教育厅“长江学子”创新奖,“Reiter China Award for the Year 2014”(2014年度中国立达奖) 和“Reiter Word Award for the Year 2015”(2015年度世界立达奖) 等学术奖项10余项。
1. 纺织纤维的颜色构建及其产业化应用;
2. 纺织纤维的功能化构建及其机理研究;
3. 智能穿戴纺织品及其应用。
1. Gong, J. #, Tang, W. #, Xia, L.*, Fu, Z., Zhou, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, C., Li L., Ji, H., Xu, W.* Flexible and weavable 3D porous graphene/PPy/lignocellulose-based versatile fibrous wearables for thermal management and strain sensing. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022.
2. Tang, W.#, Fu, C.#, Xia, L.*, Lyu P., Li L., Fu Z., Pan H.*, Zhang C., Xu W.* A Flexible and Sensitive Strain Sensor with Three-dimensional reticular structure using biomass Juncus effusus for monitoring human motions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022: 135600.
3. Fu, Z.#, Zhou, S.#, Xia, L.*, Zhang, C., Zhu, N., Gong, J., Wang, Liu, X., Li, L.*, Xu, W.* A highly efficient and stable solar energy driven device using lignocellulosic biomass Juncus effusus for the recovery of ethanol–water mixture. Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 4812–4823. (封面文章)
4. Zhou, S., Zhang, C., Xia, L.*, Fu, Z., Zhu, N., Gong, J., Wang, X., Lyu, P., Li, L.*, Xu, W.* A flexible and weavable lignocellulose-based photocatalyst supported by natural three-dimensional porous Juncus effusus for highly efficient degradation of environmental contaminants. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2022, 14, 27955−27967. (封面文章)
5. Xia, L., Wang, A, Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, Y., Zhou, S., Fu, Z., Zhao, H., Ding, C., Xu, W.* Eco-friendly dyeing of raw cotton fibres in an ethanol–water mixture without scouring and bleaching pretreatments, Green Chemistry, 2021, 23(2): 796-807. (封面文章)
6. Zhou, S., Xia, L.*; Fu, Z., Zhang, C., Duan, X., Zhang, S., Wang, Y., Ding, C., Liu, X.*, Xu, W. Purification of dye-contaminated ethanol-water mixture using magnetic cellulose powders derived from agricultural waste biomass, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 258: 117690.
7. Zhou, S.#, Fu Z.#, Xia, L.*; Mao, Y., Zhao, W., Wang, A, Zhang, C., Ding, C., Xu, W.* In situ synthesis of ternary hybrid nanocomposites on natural Juncus effusus fiber for adsorption and photodegradation of organic dyes, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 255: 117671.
8. Fu, Z.#, Zhou, S.#, Xia, L.*, Mao, Y., Zhu, L., Cheng, Y., Wang, A, Zhang, C., Xu, W.* Juncus effusus fiber-based cellulose cigarette filter with 3D hierarchically porous structure for removal of PAHs from mainstream smoke, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 241: 116308.
9. Xia, L., Zhou, S., Zhang, C., Fu, Z., Wang, A., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Wang, X., Xu, W.* Environment-friendly Juncus effusus-based adsorbent with a three-dimensional network structure for highly efficient removal of dyes from wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 259: 120812.
10. Xia, L.#, Wang, A.#, Zhang, C., Liu, Y., Guo, H., Ding, C., Wang, Y.*, Xu, W.* Environmentally friendly dyeing of cotton in an ethanol–water mixture with excellent exhaustion. Green Chemistry, 2018, 20(19), 4473-4483.
1. 夏良君, 王阿明, 付专, 周思婕, 毛云山, 王运利, 徐卫林 一种提高醇类有机溶剂-水体系中活性染料固色率的方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201910494137.X
2. 夏良君, 付专, 周思婕, 朱丽云, 成芸琪, 王运利, 徐卫林 一种涤纶纺织品快速染色的方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201910423607.3
3. 夏良君, 周思婕, 付专, 成芸琪, 朱丽云, 王运利, 徐卫林 一种涤纶纺织品染色方法,中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201910424024.2
4. 夏良君, 王阿明, 周思婕, 付专, 毛云山, 王运利, 徐卫林 一种棉纺织品的活性染料印花方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201910493142.9
5. 夏良君, 周思婕, 付专, 张春华, 盛丹, 王运利, 徐卫林 一种棉纺织品的无机颜料染色方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 202010512061.1
6. 徐卫林, 夏良君 一种缩短活性染料染色时间的无盐染色低碱染色方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201310441228.X
7. 徐卫林, 夏良君 一种活性染料对未煮漂棉纺织品进行无盐染色的方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201310441190.6
8. 徐卫林, 夏良君, 程珊 一种改善羊毛纺织品强力的低温染色方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201310441188.9
9. 徐卫林, 夏良君, 程珊, 王运利 一种提高纺织品轧染固色率的方法, 中国发明专利,授权专利号ZL 201310226672.X
10 徐卫林, 夏良君, 王阿明, 付专, 周思婕, 翟丽莎, 王运利 一种未煮漂棉纤维的无盐冷轧堆染色方法, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 201910493086.9